Thursday, December 28, 2006

Amazing Comfirmation

Yesterday when I was thinking about starting this blog the name, May those who come behind us find us faithful, was the first thought I had. It was immediate and when I decided on findusfaithful, I had a moment that I thought, surely someone has already chosen that...but they hadn't!!!!!!!!!!!
So..............I get to church last night and our praise and worship leader announces our first song..........May Those who Come Behind us Find us Faithful..........I had to grin and giggle inside. Until yesterday, I haven't heard or thought about that song in months...I felt a personal hug from the Lord!!
I just have to say, if writing in a blog about how God blesses our lives each day is this much fun...I may actually be on to something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to see what God shows me today..................................!!!!!!!!!!!! Kathy

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

You really MUST write down your thoughts!!

Several times in my life, my family and friends have bought me journals and told really must write down your thoughts and stories!! You see the standing joke for those who know and love me is my memory...or lack you were to rummage through the various places I have books and journals hidden, you would find several 1/2 written journals. The memories I find on those pages take me immediately back into the laugh out loud...cry...ponder....and absolutley stand amazed at God and how He has faithfully been guiding my life. First and foremost I need it to be said, I love Abba God and His son Jesus Christ with all of my heart and I give Him all the glory and praise for every aspect of my life!!!........Kathy